expression خَفه / xafe

IPA: /xæfe/

  1. shut up!

From our corpus

!تو خفه
!to xafe
You shut up!

adjective خَفه / xafe

IPA: /xæfe/

From our corpus

توی تاکسی، از عطر تند مرد کناری داشتم خفه میشدم.
tuye tâksi، az atr-e tond-e mard-e kenâri dâštam xafe mišodam.
In the taxi, I was suffocating from the pungent perfume of the man next to me.
خفه نشی.
xafe naši.
Don’t choke!
  1. strangled, choked, suffocated
  2. stuffy, suffocating; toxic
  3. gloomy, despondent
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