proper noun قِیصَر / qeysar

IPA: /ɣejsær/

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قصه بهمن مفید تو قهوه خونه جلوی قیصر.
qesse-ye bahman mofid tu qahve xune-ye jelu-ye qeysar.
The story of Bahman Mofid in the coffee shop in front of Gheysar,
اگه تو قیصر خان دایی میشد و چاقو رو از دست فرمون میگرفت،
age tu qeysar xân dâyi mišod va čâqu ro az dast-e farmun migereft،
If he would become Khan Daei in Gheysar and take the knife from Farmun’s hand,
Proper noun Caesar, a Roman gens whose most notable member was Julius CaesarOpen in Wiktionary