adjective ناجور / nâjur

IPA: /nɒːd͡ʒu:r/

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بلکه مقبول در این راه پر از استرس و وصله ناجور بشم.
balke maqbul dar in râh-e por az estres va vasle nâjur bešam.
Maybe I’d get accepted in this road full of stress and misfits.
بلکه مقبول در این راه پر از استرس و وصله ناجور میشم
balke maqbul dar in râh-e por az estres va vasle nâjur mišam
Maybe I’d get accepted in this road full of stress and misfits.
anachronism, awry, anomalous, awkward, dissident, dissonant, divergent, foreign, fragmentary, heterogeneous, ill-assorted, ill-suited, inappropriate, incompatible, incongruous, inconvenient, inept, irreconcilable, misfit, wrong, off-key, random, spotty, streaky, unfit, unfriendly, unhappy, unsuitable, unsuited, untoward