noun گِرِفتاری / gereftâri

IPA: /gereftɒːri:/

From our corpus

برو بابا، کی با این همه کار و گرفتاری حوصله ورزش داره
beru bâbâ، ki in hame kâr va gereftâri howsele-ye varzeš dâre
Get out of here! Who’s in the mood for exercise with this much work and preoccupation.
اینکه چطور وسط کار و گرفتاری هامون به سلامتی مون هم برسیم
inke četowr vasat-e kâr va gereftâri hemun be salâmati emun ham beresim
How we can have time for our health in the middle of all our work and preoccupation.
busyness, captivity, corners, doubt, embroilment, encumbrance, entanglement, hitch, hot water, involution, involvement, jam, knot, load, matter, nuisance, pass, pickle, plight, pressure, problem, question, rush, scrape, slavery, snag, strait, tangle, thorn, tie-up, trouble, woe