verb خواستَن / xâstan

IPA: /xɒːstæn/     present stem: خواه / xâh     past stem: خواست / xâst

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من فقط نمی خواستم کسی رو ببینم.
man faqat nemi xâstam kasi ro bebinam.
I just didn’t want to see anybody.
می خوایی در رو باز کنم؟
mi xâyi dar ro bâz konam؟
Do you want me to open the door?
  1. to want, to intend (both of nouns and verbs)
  2. to ask; to request
  3. will; in the literary language, appears in the aorist to form the future tense, preceding the bare past stem of the main verb
  4. to be owed
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