noun ساخت / sâxt

IPA: /sɒːxt/

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مهم ترین چیزی که فکر کنم توی این گوشی باید بهش توجه کنیم کیفیت ساختشه.
mohem tarin čizi ke fekr konam tuye in guši bâyad beheš tavajjoh konim keyfiyat-e sâxteše.
The most important thing that I think we should consider in this phone is its build quality.
به هر حال ساخت ژاپنه.
be har hâl sâxt-e žâpone.
it’s made in Japan, no less,
Verb third-person singular preterite indicative of ساختن (sâxtan)Open in Wiktionary