verb قَطع کَردَن / qat' kardan

IPA: /ɣæt? kærdæn/     compound verb ofقَطع / qat'andکَردَن / kardan

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شما اصلا کرونا داری به نظر من بهتره من قطع کنم این ارتباط رو
šomâ aslan koronâ dâri be nazar-e man behtare man qat' konam in ertebât ro
You definitely have Corona. I think I should hang up.
آره قطع کن نگیری، احتیاجت دارن مردم.
âre qat' kon nagiri، ehtiyâjet dâran mardom.
Yeah, hang up so you won't get it. People need you.
  1. to interrupt, break off (to disturb or halt an ongoing process or action temporarily or permanently)
  2. to cut off, stop, interrupt (for example, the power supply, the Internet connection)
  3. to cut down (a tree)
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