adjective موَثِّر / muasser

IPA: /mu:æsser/

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اما یکی از چیزهایی که خیلی کمک می کنه تو ارتباط موثر با این تیپ اینه:
ammâ yeki az čizhâyi ke xeyli komak mi kone tu ertebât-e muasser in tip ine:
But one of the things that helps a lot in communicating effectively with this type is this:
این بسیار میتونه تو ارتباط موثر با اونا خوب باشه
in besiyâr mitune tu ertebât-e muasser una xob bâše
This can be very good in communicating with them effectively.
affecting, contributory, effective, effectual, efficacious, forceful, impressive, influential, instrumental, operative, productive, telling, working